Inclusivity has always been a colossal part of overcoming the challenges faced by Maldivians: Deputy Minister Sharma Naseer

Inclusivity has always been a colossal part of overcoming the challenges faced by Maldivians: Deputy Minister Sharma Naseer


Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education Sharma Naseer stated that the Maldivian history is proof that, Maldivians always opted for inclusivity in overcoming challenges faced by Maldivians. 


Deputy Minister Sharma noted this while speaking at today’s orientation session on the revised Inclusive Education Policy aimed at the principals. 


Giving examples from Maldivian history, Deputy Minister Sharma said that, ‘Dhonbandaarain’ – the hero of independence in the Maldives considered the inclusion of all people to conquest in his fight against the Portuguese for the independence of the country. Madam Sharma also stated that the first president of the Maldives Mohamed Ameen Didi opened educational opportunities for the people of the islands in order to provide education to the entire nation rather than the select few among the high society of the capital city. She also highlighted the exemplary work of the Education Development Centre during the years the 1980s – 1990s in building an educated workforce in the country. 


Deputy Minister also said that the most important task in the education field right now is assessing the students’ capabilities and catering to improve those areas in order to educate the student. Hence, she believes that inclusive education has become a key factor in the Maldivian education system. 


Deputy Minister Sharma added that providing inclusive education in the Maldivian education system is a key assurance of the government, and such training is proof that it is being worked on extensively.


She also added that the provision of true inclusive education would be the biggest achievement of the education sector in this century.